By WJBC Staff
CHICAGO – The Illinois Tollway expects as many as nine million vehicles with Thanksgiving travelers to drive the tollway system during this year’s extended holiday.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend the heaviest travel is expected on Wednesday when nearly 1.8 million vehicles are projected to use the 294-mile tollway system. On an average day, just under 1.6 million vehicles use the Illinois Tollway.
Get real-time road condition updates
Whether the trip is short or long, find Traveler Quick Links on the Tollway’s website or sign up Tollway Trip Tweets with real-time roadway incident information and weather conditions at Tollway Trip 90, Tollway Trip 88, Tollway Trip 355, Tollway Trip 94/294 and Tollway Trip 390.
Call *999 for roadside assistance
Drivers should call *999 to get help from Tollway roadway maintenance crews or from Illinois State Police District 15 who patrol the Tollway system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Motorist aid patrols stand ready to help stranded customers change tires, jump-start batteries, add coolant, dispense fuel, transport customers, move vehicles away from traffic and call for a tow truck.
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