By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – While Republicans try to make hay from Gov Pritzker’s record on crime … there’s also the record of the Prisoner Review Board to examine.
The superminority party here wants you to know that the board releases felons who were sentenced to up to one thousand years in prison. Pritzker, on the other hand, says, “It’s the stories that they are telling are false about the people who are being brought up before the Prisoner Review Board. It’s easy to say, this person did something wrong, we ought to keep them in prison. But the reality is that’s exactly the function – every person that gets brought up before the Prisoner Review Board has done something wrong in their lives.”
The governor is having trouble getting his appointees to the board through the Senate, which – despite Democrats’ domination – turned down one of his nominees. More are expected to be voted on by the Senate Monday.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected].