LIVINGSTON COUNTY – A man has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for predatory sexual assault in a deal that Livingston County’s chief prosecutor said spares the victim from having to testify in open court.
State’s Attorney Randy Yedinak said Jeremy Coates, 39, of Frankfort, sexually assaulted the child in Flanagan two years ago. The victim was younger than 13 at the time.
In return for the guilty plea, prosecutors agreed to dismiss two other Class X child pornography counts.
In a news release, authorities said the Illinois Attorney General’s Office High Tech Crimes Bureau found Coates was involving in producing, trading, and possessing child pornography.
“I believe we have a duty to seek out child predators and go after them harder than they go after our youth,” Yedinak said in a statement.
“There is nothing more heinous than crimes against children,” he added.
Attorney General Kwame Raoul also released a statement.
“This sentencing highlights the importance of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in tracking down and prosecuting individuals who assault and exploit children,” said Raoul.
“My office will continue to partner with local law enforcement and states attorney’s offices throughout Illinois to ensure justice for victims of exploitation and sexual assault,” Raoul also said.
Coates is required to serve 85% of the sentence, even with credit for good time.