By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois State Fairgoers had a chance to put on some virtual reality goggles which are supposed to imitate the effects of having a .08 percent blood alcohol level. That’s too drunk to drive. Participants then attempted tasks which are seemingly simple – if you are sober.
“Fatalities are up on the highways throughout the state, throughout the country,” said spokesman Guy Tridgell, “and the public has a part in bringing those numbers down to zero, which is the only acceptable number for anyone.”
“It’s Not a Game, Illinois” is a campaign created by and for IDOT to point drivers toward avoiding a fatal half-dozen dangerous behaviors: impaired driving, distracted driving, pedestrian safety, motorcycle safety, work zone safety, and occupancy protection.”
It’s Not a Game | Illinois Department of Transportation (itsnotagameillinois.com)
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]