By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – An experience babysitting a child with a seizure disorder is guiding the path of this year’s Miss Illinois County Fair Queen.
Paige Van Dyke, 21, grew up on a farm near Louisville, Ill., and now will be a senior at Oklahoma State, with a major in ag communications and a minor in special education. She wants to develop ag programs for special needs children such as her young friend.
“He really, really enjoys being out on the farm with me,” said Queen Paige. “He makes my day. His love and his passion for the ag industry is amazing. He can tell you every part of a combine, every part of a tractor, and that really sparked my interest” in special ed.
Her queenly duties include hosting both the Illinois State Fair in Springfield and the Du Quoin State Fair in Du Quoin.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]