MCLEAN COUNTY – The McLean County Regional Planning Commission is making rounds presenting the Regional Housing Recovery Plan. The purpose of the plan is to address the housing crisis in McLean County.
Over the course of seven months the commission gathered community input about housing concerns. Councilmembers from Bloomington and Normal say it’s not only about having affordable housing but there’s a need for different types of housing across the board.
“Not only is it about having housing stock, it’s about having resources for those who need them to be able to not only just purchase homes, though, that’s the ultimate goal, but to be able to have some place to live that is affordable for all income levels and then also meeting the needs,” said Chemberly Harris, Town of Normal Councilmember. Not everyone needs a single family home. So what are the needs that need to be met?”
John Danenberger, the Ward 4 Alderman said, “I think we need housing across the board. I don’t think there’s like one sector that we are flush with places to move into,” said John Danenberger, Ward 4 Alderman for the City of Bloomington. “So I don’t want to get too myopic. I do want to concentrate on affordable housing probably first as a priority, but I don’t want to get too myopic.”
Danenberger and Harris said it will be a team effort to address the issue.
“It’s going to be county, city and town altogether to work on this,” said Danenberger .”I’m kind of I’m looking forward to it. I think this is an this is this is one of those issues that doesn’t boil down to party lines. This doesn’t boil down to even your employment status or where you are in your career.”
“To an extent, we could handle it on our own, but I think we will make a greater impact working on it together,” said Harris. “You know, they say if you want to just go, go alone. But if you want to go far, you got to go together. And I believe this is one of those things you will be able to get further working together.”
The commission is working on the creation of an implementation committee. To see the plan click here.
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