By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois lawmakers have not finished a state budget, but – pending the governor’s signature – there is an official state mushroom.
The sponsor, State Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg), said third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders at the Prairie School of DuPage in Wheaton are behind the choice.
“Inspired by fellow student Charlotte,” said Mussman, “they decided to embark on research and nominate a mushroom to represent the new state symbol for Illinois.”
The winner is Calvatia Gigantea, also known as the Giant Puffball. Mussman said the school kids did research and interviews and then conducted primary and general elections.
In case you are wondering, the morel didn’t even make it out of the primary. But Mussman says the puffball is an apt choice, seeing as how you can find it all over the state.
And, she says, it’s safe to touch and eat.
SB 3514 has passed the House, 107-0, and awaits the governor’s action.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]