BLOOMINGTON – Miller Park Zoo will soon be reopening the Katthoefer Animal Building to the public after being closed for over four years.
According to a Miller Park Zoo news release, the building has been closed since March of 2020 due to animal welfare concerns during the pandemic.
“Over the past few months, through the support of the City, the Miller Park Zoological Society (MPZS), and the efforts of Zoo staff, we have made several changes in the KAB in order to open the interior viewing space once again.” said Jay Pratte, Director of Miller Park Zoo.
A news release divulges the new additions coming, which can be found below:
- Addition of industrial fans to facilitate air movement inside of the building, including electrical infrastructure assessments and upgrades.
- Full clean and repair after the emergency event last fall.
- Animals vaccinated against COVID-19 through a program offered by Zoetis, administered over several weeks through the combined efforts of our animal care and veterinary teams.
The building will reopen on July 31 during Miller Park Zoo’s Member’s Night, with only Miller Park Zoo members getting limited access.
All visitors will be welcome starting Aug. 1.
Large mammals like big cats, primates, and members of the weasel family are susceptible to COVID-19, and human access to the building was limited under veterinary team advisement.
Anyone interested in signing up to become a Miller Park Zoo member can click here.
WMBD can be reached at [email protected].