By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – When you pay your utility bill, do you ever feel like you should be paying less?
“We have people who have come to us and said, I had no idea I was with an alternative supplier until my electric bll went thru the roof,” said Jim Chilsen, spokesman for the Citizens Utility Board. “We really hope people see these statistics and look at their bill and confirm that they are not overpaying with an alternative supplier.”
Chilsen says that’s a bet you are likely to lose, and you are likely better off just forgetting about the alternative suppliers, especially the ones who go door-to-door or make cold calls. You can also avoid high electricity costs by … checking out the sky !!
“Solar power right now – there are incentives that can cover up to sixty percent of your cost to install solar panels. It’s a great deal right now. It’s an excellent deal. We also tell people to consider community solar, which is a program that Illinois offers that allows people to enjoy the benefits of solar without having to install solar panels.”
Chilsen says before making any changes, make sure your home is as energy-efficient as possible.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]