BLOOMINGTON – In a 6-1 vote, the Bloomington City Council approved a measure that would implement a towing service targeting people with repeat parking violations in the downtown area.
According to the city’s finance director, Scott Rathbun, Bloomington is currently owed over $350,000 in unpaid parking fines. Over $100,000 was owed by just 47 people, with one individual reportedly racking up nearly 200 violations.
The proposed towing service would allow the city to tow vehicles which have racked up five or more tickets. The initial focus would be on those which have the highest number of violations.
Ward 6 council member Cody Hendricks voted against the bill. He expressed concerns about how it might impact travel to downtown, pointing out that someone who spent the whole day in the area would automatically have their vehicle towed. “I’m very fearful of […] the person who goes anywhere downtown, gets their hair cut and colored, they’re gonna pay a ticket. It’s just part of going downtown,” he said.
Hendricks acknowledged, however, that council’s next agenda item would help alleviate the issue.
In a unanimous vote – which began before the item had even been fully introduced – city council approved a motion that extends parking time downtown from 90 minutes to 120.
Senior deputy city manager Billy Tyus gave only a brief statement, saying that the provision was inspired by conversations with downtown business owners, before the vote was finalized.