BLOOMINGTON – An internationally-renowned group that accredits zoos and similar facilities has given its seal of approval to a Bloomington institution.
The Association of Zoos & Aquariums honored Miller Park Zoo with an accreditation at their annual conference on Sept. 19. It was one of 33 zoos to earn accreditation at the conference.
“Earning accreditation is a mark of excellence and a testament to Miller Park Zoo’s unwavering commitment to the highest standards of animal care and conservation.” said Dan Ashe, the AZA’s president and CEO.
Jay Pratte, Miller Park Zoo’s director, expressed pride in his team’s work in caring for their animals.
“It is a testament to the dedication of our staff and volunteers, with unwavering support from Parks & Recreation and City leadership, along with MPZS, that we met our goal of achieving AZA accreditation,” he said. “We hope this illustrates to our community how our little zoo can have a huge impact.”
According to AZA, their accreditation process involves a detailed application and rigorous inspection process, along with interviews of top zoo officials at a formal hearing.
Miller Park Zoo must complete this process every five years to maintain their accreditation.
With this year’s new inductees, AZA now boasts 252 accredited facilities across the world. For a full list of accredited facilities, you can visit their website.