BLOOMINGTON – Residents in Bloomington have a new tool at their fingertips.
A new Infrastructure Dashboard was launched by the city, which features all the ongoing projects within the city, how long they’ll take and how much they cost.
“One of the most important things that a community can do is clearly communicate the kind of infrastructure that they’re going to be putting in,” said Jim Karch, interim engineering director for the city of Bloomington. “Citizens always want to know what’s been built. ‘When’s it being built? Just give me some information on it.’”
On the homepage of the city’s website, you can click on the dashboard, which brings you to a screen of colored streets, facts and figures.
A resident can look up their address, and it will tell them if there is construction around their house, what to expect the timeline to be, and what phase it’s in.
“It’s just a smart map, and it allows them to add and delete layers, take them on and off, and be able to see what’s going on and their address, what’s going on around them, on around their neighborhood both now and in five years to come,” Karch said.
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