By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – A group of business leaders kicked off a “No Progressive Tax” campaign Tuesday with a Zoom news conference.
Voters in November will be asked whether Illinois should change its income tax structure from flat to graduated. “The governor likes to say this will only affect the three percent top earners in the state,” said Steve Rauschenberger, a former Republican state senator who now heads the Technology and Manufacturing Association. “But we know this amendment will allow him and Springfield legislative politicians to raise the income tax to any rate they want at will. The state treasurer recently explicitly said he wanted to explore the use of the progressive tax authority as a means to tax the retirement income of seniors.”
Treasurer Mike Frerichs earlier this year told a Des Plaines audience that there should be a difference between retirees on a six-figure income and those scraping to get by.
Joining Rauscenberger were leaders of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Farm Bureau, and National Federation of Independent Business.
Quentin Fulks, chair of Vote Yes for Fairness, responded in a statement:
“(Tuesday’s) press conference was the height of hypocrisy, put on by a group masquerading as a grassroots organization whose sole purpose is to protect the millionaires and billionaires who have benefited from Illinois’ unfair tax system for far too long. It’s despicable that they’re trying to capitalize on the coronavirus pandemic to protect the wealthiest Illinoisans, while so many families are struggling to make ends meet. Sadly, it comes as no surprise given these organizations have spent decades advocating for policies that decimated critical services, left our education system criminally underfunded, and hurt our nurses, grocery store clerks, paramedics, and other essential workers.
“Since the truth isn’t on their side, this press conference was filled with lies from start to finish. Contrary to what they say, the Fair Tax will only affect small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year in profit, while at least 97% of Illinoisans will see no income tax increase or a tax cut.”
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected].