By Will Stevenson/Illinois Radio Network
CHATHAM – Say what you might about Gov. Bruce Rauner signing a law making sweet corn the official state vegetable in light of the current budget situation, but the people who made that happen are popping with delight.
The effort started as Chatham Elementary School students wanted to know if the state even had an official vegetable and that turned into a year-round lesson.
“This was [an] all-around curriculum experience for our students,” said Jodi Acree, a fourth-grade teacher at Chatham Elementary School just south of Springfield. “It was government, social studies, nutrition. We also threw in some technology.”
Acree said students had the ears of lawmakers throughout the process.
“This is a time to celebrate,” says Acree. “It was so exciting that the government could actually come together and agree upon something. And, it’s really more for the kids that they were able to have this experience. It’s going to last them a lifetime. They’ll never forget.”
“We’re really proud of that, and it goes with our community and goes with the Sweet Corn Festival,” said Tom Gray, Chatham Village President.
Rauner met many of the students who made the law possible, at the Chatham Sweet Corn festival, continuing this weekend.
Normal will hold its Sweet Corn and Blues Festival in Uptown in August.