By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – A Republican lawmaker is making sure someone is still out there, complaining about the problems the state is having getting unemployment benefits to those who have them coming.
State Sen. Don DeWitte (R-St Charles) says the Pritzker administration is shutting out lawmakers, some of whom have the kind of business acumen which could help.
“This entire pandemic has been handled by the governor’s office with zero involvement on the part of the legislature,” DeWitte said Friday during a Zoom call that featured three of his constituents.
One of them, “Tony” from Dundee, said he made up to 223 calls a day without getting through, until the Illinois Department of Employment Security implemented a “callback” system. “Tony” says that’s also a loser. “I follow all the prompts,” he said. “They say they will send you a text saying, we will return your call. So, basically, you are carrying around your cell phone 24-7 because they say they can call you at any time between seven in the morning and seven at night.”
Another constituent on the Zoom call cried in telling how she lost her father, her job, and her money – all to COVID.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]