By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – More than 28 Illinoisans served their country, some in battle, but could not survive the care of the state of Illinois.
They’re coronavirus victims at the state veterans’ home in LaSalle.
“Forty percent of the staff at that facility have tested positive for COVID-19, and 85 percent of the residents,” said an incredulous State Rep. David Welter (R-Morris) during an online news conference Monday. “This is not community spread. You can look at other private care facilities throughout this region and throughout the state in general, and you will not find data that staggering.”
Just as staggering, Welter and other Illinois House Republicans said, is that Illinois veterans’ affairs director Linda Chapa LaVia has apparently not discussed the situation with the governor.
State Rep. Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) says Democrats outraged over Legionnaires’ disease at the Quincy veterans’ home – under then-Gov. Bruce Rauner – are somehow quiet now.
“Just as House Democrats demanded a hearing into the thirteen veterans’ deaths at that time, we also demand the same answers and level of disclosure now,” Swanson said, “Who knew what and when? Why were protocols unclear to staff? Why did some employees report to work after reporting symptoms to their supervisor? 28veterans who served our country honorably have died due to the COVID outbreak at LaSalle.”
State Rep. Randy Frese (R-Paloma), whose district includes the Quincy home, finds a similarity between Quincy and LaSalle: “I’m a farm boy, and I’ve been kicked in the stomach by a horse before,” said Frese, “and that’s what it felt like every single day: new information that more of our veterans have contracted the disease.”
State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego), chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, released this statement:
“I am very concerned about the situation in LaSalle as a Veteran of the USMC. I have been in constant communication with the Gov office. in May the house voted on legislation to enable Virtual committee meetings, republicans and some democrats voted against it and it failed by one vote. The Senate had a subject matter hearing on it last week virtually and I am in contact with them as well. Due to the spike in COVID-19 cases it is compromising the health of the staff and members to hold an in person committee meeting. Had Republicans not voted against the legislation in May we would not be in this situation.”
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]