BLOOMINGTON – Decades in the making, the Bloomington City Council is about to make a decision whether to proceed with funding a $22.8 million addition to the public library.
The cost is $2 million less if leaders scrap plans for a new parking deck.
“After over 20 years of discussions and we believe, we have truly listened to the community, bringing forth a proposal that reflects what our residents need and deserve in a library,” Library Director Jeanne Hamilton said in a prepared statement.
“This library expansion is an investment in the community across all generations and those to come,” Hamilton also said.
The city council Monday night is being asked to approve a joint resolution with the library board on funding. Final action is expected November 22 when aldermen vote on the tax levy, which covers the amount of tax dollars to be collected for the library next year.
The city would borrow about $17 million of the cost by selling bonds.
Based on 2021 taxable land values, city leaders said the expansion would cost an extra $30 in taxes for a $165,000 home. Taxpayers owning a $274,500 home would pay an extra $49.18, according to the city’s calculations.
Besides relying on taxpayer funding, library staffers said they have saved $4 million to pay for the project, and they are trying to raise $1.75 million from donors.
The library on Olive Street was built in 1976, and is considered too small to meet the needs of Bloomington’s current population.