By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – Attempting change can be frustrating – when you’re in the minority.
The Illinois Senate minority leader, Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods), announced four proposed constitutional amendments Tuesday.
“We have one of the most difficult ballot access requirements,” McConchie told an online news conference. “It’s very difficult for people to get on the ballot here in Illinois. As a result, it tends to bias the types of people who are able to get in there, particularly party leadership, to kind of be able to limit who can get involved in the process; and, at the end of the day, then limits the ability of having debates over ideas like this.”
The proposals would allow voters to circulate petitions and more easily amend the constitution … set up an independent redistricting commission, and allow voters to repeal laws and recall elected officials.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected].