By Dave Dahl
SPRINGFIELD – The red-shirted forces of Moms Demand Action gave State Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback (D-Skokie) a standing ovation Tuesday, when she summed up her opinion of the National Rifle Association:
“A money-making operation from gun manufacturers based on half of the text of the Second Amendment,” she said during a House committee hearing into a possible assault weapons ban. “So I certainly would encourage reflection and a deeper look into the Second Amendment and how it is being misinterpreted and misconstrued currently.”
The hearing included testimony from gun advocates.
“Bottom line: this bill keeps alive systemic racism as it applies to the Second Amendment,” said Ed Sullivan, a former state representative who now lobbies for the Illinois State Rifle Association. “I can take my firearms, my mags, I can go across the border. I have the means. What about the people that don’t? Are you just going to criminalize them? there is over 70 counties in Illinois that are 2A sanctuary counties. Those folks aren’t going to get arrested.”
Gun control advocates hope there’s momentum for the bill – in the wake of the massacre at the July 4 parade in Highland Park, where seven people died and 48 more were injured.
Dave Dahl can be reached at [email protected]