BLOOMINGTON/NORMAL – Leaders from the Bloomington-Normal NAACP Branch acknowledge State President Teresa Haley’s remarks about immigrants should not have been said. They also said they accept Haley’s sincere apologies.
Despite Haley’s apologies, former DuPage County NAACP President Patrick Watson has been calling for Haley’s resignation. According to the Bloomington-Normal NAACP Watson “received an unprecedented and embarrassing vote of no confidence” by his branch members on Nov. 14, and the recorded meeting he released on Dec. 12 was from Nov. 30.
Bloomington-Normal leadership said they will continue to support Haley. According to a press release from the branch the Illinois Branch Presidents met on Dec. 13 and “unanimously supported Haley’s quintessential leadership skills.”
“I believe that her work speaks for itself and the things that she’s done and will continue to do. I think that it would be a travesty to lose her abilities and her leadership,” Linda Foster, Bloomington-Normal President.
Foster and First Vice-President Dr. Carla Campbell-Jackson said they will continue the good work of the NAACP.
“We continue to work diligently to make sure America is united and we want America to be united for everyone. So, our work shall remain laser-focused as we continue to do the right thing,” said Campbell-Jackson.
Foster and Campbell-Jackson said the Bloomington-Normal Branch will continue to be a voice for the voiceless.
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