By Michael J. Whelan
If you’ve been watching the economic meltdown going on in Greece for the past three weeks or so, doesn’t it give you an uneasy feeling?
Doesn’t Greece look like our fair State of Illinois, or for that matter, our very own City of Bloomington, to one degree or another? Does the old phrase, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned” feel a little too close to home?
It seems to me that whether it’s our State or our City, the red ink just keeps gushing, while no one has any answers, other than of course to raise taxes, or float more bonded debt issues, which may never be paid off.
To be fair, down in Springfield, our elected stooges have been able to pass some legislation. Why, as of now we can hunt bobcats legally, happy hour has been reinstated, and powdered alcohol has been banned!
And let’s not slight our local clowns, who are seemingly dead set on reinvigorating the downtown area by whatever means necessary, including giving away the store, so to speak.
On both the State and local levels, it looks like they’re trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.
It’s all Greek to me.
Michael J. Whelan has been a licensed practicing attorney for over 33 years. He also serves as an arbitrator in the 11th Judicial Circuit Mandatory Arbitration program. In addition, he is presently the president of the board of directors of his homeowners association, and is also a member of the board of directors of The Old House Society. He and his wife of thirty-one plus years, Cheryl Whelan, live in Bloomington. He and Cheryl enjoy exercising, reading, and being close to family and friends.
The opinions expressed within WJBC’s Forum are solely those of the Forum’s author, and are not necessarily those of WJBC or Cumulus Media, Inc.