By Jim Fisher
I remember back in high school biology class, the part about reproduction, how a male cell met up with a female cell and they bonded and created an embryo. The embryo continues to grow until it starts to take the shape of the parents from which the cells were derived. As I recall all embryos pretty much looked the same while they were still microscopic. The bird embryo inside an egg or the mammal embryo inside its mother, I couldn’t tell the difference. In Humans, the embryo grows into a fetus that is when that tiny blob begins to look like well something with a large head and a heart. But that is when an expectant mother can get a sonogram and start to see the tiny baby growing inside her. It’s time to start thinking about a name for that child.
Now as I understand,Planned Parenthood calls that baby, fetal tissue and tissue can be removed. They call it abortion. Abortion comes from the word abort which means; terminate before the process is complete. Since fetal tissue is growing and being nourished by the process of pregnancy it is life. To terminate it mean stopping that life, killing it. So abortion of human fetal tissue as planned parenthood would have it is, by definition, killing human life. Now in the land mark Roe v Wade decision that grants the so-called “right” to abortion does place limits of when that abortion can be performed. The term viability comes into play and that has been changing ever since that Supreme Court decision was made. Or to put it in the everyday language of Planned Parenthood; “it is not a baby until…” so it’s OK to kill. And according to our supreme court is not a crime to kill it if it is human.
Back to my High School biology class. The Embryo that was created when the male cell and the female cell got together? The one where you couldn’t tell if it was a bird or a human? According to the laws of our nation, if you kill the embryo that would develop into a specific bird you could go to prison for up to 2 years.
So, according to our legal system life begins at conception if you are a bird. But if you are human? Well, according to Planned Parenthood? It won’t.
Jim Fisher has lived on a small farm outside of Hudson for 30 years. Jim has been married to Jayne for 36 years. Together they have raised two daughters. (no grandchildren). Jim has served on the Unit Five Board of Education. Jim works with the McLean County Tea Party.
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