Hometown Military News for Sept. 18, 2015:
182nd Airlift Wing Hosts Joint-Force JAG Training
PEORIA – The 182nd Airlift Wing hosted a joint-force training workshop for approximately 60 legal professionals from both the Illinois Air and Army National Guard in Peoria, Illinois Sept. 12-13.
“The point of the conference is to bring judge advocates and paralegals together and conduct continuing legal education,” said Army Col. Bob Roth of Springfield, Illinois staff judge advocate for the Illinois National Guard. “We present material and information on core legal areas within the (Judge Advocate General) Corps – legal assistance, operational law, military justice, and administrative law topics.”
Roth said the two-day training event included updates on national military law projects and insights the professionals will take back to their home units to enhance the cohesiveness of the joint-force JAG Corps mission.
“We have a very good reputation of working well together. Certainly at the headquarters level we do that, and to a certain extent we want that to filter down to the wing and brigade levels as well,” said Air Force Col. Marty Green of Canton, Illinois, the JAG for the Illinois Air National Guard headquarters based in Springfield, Illinois.
The Judge Advocate General Corps provides professional counsel and a full spectrum of legal capabilities to the soldiers and airmen.
Military Retiree Appreciation Day Oct. 24 at Rock Island Arsenal
FORT McCOY, Wis. – A military Retiree Appreciation Day will be held Saturday, Oct. 24 at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill. Retirees from all branches of the armed forces and their family members are eligible to attend. The event begins at 8 a.m. and concludes at noon.
Retiree Appreciation Day provides an opportunity for all armed forces retirees, spouses, surviving spouses, and/or guests to receive updated information about retiree entitlement programs.
Photo identification is required for all personnel to access the installation.
Pre-registration is required and must be accomplished by Oct. 15.
The registration form, available online at http://www.mccoy.army.mil/Services/ACAP_Documents/2015_RAD_REGISTER.pdf, Direct any questions to 563-508-5123.
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