By Michael J. Whelan
With those words memorialized in her own e-mail to one of her alleged co-conspirators, the (former) Superintendent of the Chicago Public School system pleaded guilty to a variety of Federal law violations and is now awaiting sentencing in Chicago.
While we here in Central Illinois are proud to say we don’t live up north, we surely cannot think that we don’t have our fair share of elected and/or appointed officials, who as I write these words, are scamming us lowly taxpayers out of the public funds entrusted to them.
One can’t pick up the local newspaper wherever they live, or tune in the local tv or radio newscast, without hearing of someone stealing money from whatever available source, in order to live large on our dime.
How did we get to this place, where it seems to me a public office is a carte blanche license to steal?
I truly think it’s because, for whatever reason, we’ve made a decision to not mind the store, and these thugs are fully aware of our collective indifference. I mean really, why wouldn’t they rob us blind, knowing they may never get caught, and even if they do, they may have to spend only a couple of years behind bars, knowing that when they get out, they probably still have a pile of our money stashed away for their future enjoyment?
I can only repeat what I’ve said time and time again on this Forum, Abe Lincoln nailed it when he said, and I quote, “the American people get just about as good a government as they deserve.”
It is way too sad, folks.
Michael J. Whelan has been a licensed practicing attorney for over 33 years. He also serves as an arbitrator in the 11th Judicial Circuit Mandatory Arbitration program. In addition, he is presently the president of the board of directors of his homeowners association, and is also a member of the board of directors of The Old House Society. He and his wife of thirty-one plus years, Cheryl Whelan, live in Bloomington. He and Cheryl enjoy exercising, reading, and being close to family and friends.
The opinions expressed within WJBC’s Forum are solely those of the Forum’s author, and are not necessarily those of WJBC or Cumulus Media, Inc.