By Pamela Sweetwood
Even the BEST pet guardians can lose their pets. Guests or contractors might keep a door open a moment too long. Gates and fences may have unknown problems. Pets also can be smart. Despite a weight in front of the door and a childproof lock, my cat sneaks into a storage area.
To have a pet missing is scary. Looking around your neighborhood may not solve the situation. Perhaps someone kind will find your four-legged friend. Tags need to be current with your name, address and phone. Outdated tags or collars coming off often require more work of anyone finding your pet.
I wanted to share a resource, the facebook page Lost Found Pets in Bloomington Normal. People can post photos of lost, found, or unfamiliar pets running loose. There’s no delay and it leads to a network of helpers. Pets in unfamiliar territory may hide or run from those trying to help. Owners can give advice such as “skittish-don’t approach-will run- call me instead” Reports of sightings can help focus efforts.
Months ago a young man was posting signs of a cat who escaped while he was carrying laundry. I suggested an article on the Humane Society of Central Illinois’ website on lost pet behavior. It gives ideas of where to look based on their personality. Luckily he gave me a sign and I remembered the facebook page so I posted the information. His scared cat was found a week later. People love to hear of reunions.
Each minute of worry of a lost pet can be agony. Finding a pet quickly may prevent injury or death. Pets are important members of the family.
Like the facebook page Lost Found Pets in Bloomington Normal so you have it if needed and you too can help locate a pet. Replace any outdated id tags on your pet’s collar.
Pamela Sweetwood was an ISU student, like many, who never left town. She works in higher education and has a history with many community non-profits organizations.
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