By Jim Fisher
My name is Jim Fisher and I am not running for president.
But If I did this would be my platform: Send pink slips to a lot of government employees, starting with the IRS. When this country was founded the federal government was funded by import tariffs. However in our global economy that would be rather difficult to maintain. So I would have a flat tax of,let’s say 8%. Simple you make a dollar you pay the federal government 8 cents. No deductions, no write offs, no billion dollar bankruptcies so you don’t have to pay taxes ever again. And no Tax Exempt Foundations where you can accept hundreds of millions of dollars but only give a couple away to qualify.
Second, get rid of the department of Affordable Health Care, so “If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan” and “keep your doctor”
Next I’d eliminate the Department of Homeland Security.There is no need for a department to oversee our other departments of law enforcement. All we need is a president that lets them communicate with each other. And with prejudice, I would fire the TSA. Keep your hands to yourself. There are ways to keep our airports safe without exposing everybody’s body.
Next I would eliminate the EPA. To allow Utility companies to come up with a simple way to clean coal of which we have plenty and can produce electricity very inexpensively.
Then I would fire the Department of Education. Keep the federal government out of our local schools. And let us educate our own.
Then there is the Department of Agriculture; Sorry, Food Stamps are not an entitlement. If a family or individual truly needed assistance there would be plenty of organizations to help and since we would no longer have to give 15, 20, 35% of our income to the government, then we would have plenty to support a true charity. It’s what Americans do.
Last but not least I would terminate all pay and benefits for congress and senators. That’s right it’s called public service, not public coronation. Political office was never intended to be a career and I would make it that way again.
Jim Fisher has lived on a small farm outside of Hudson for 30 years. Jim has been married to Jayne for 36 years. Together they have raised two daughters. (no grandchildren). Jim has served on the Unit Five Board of Education. Jim works with the McLean County Tea Party.
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