By Zach Zook
BLOOMINGTON – Zachery Bradford of Bloomington High School has accomplished a lot already in his pole vaulting career.
Bradford became a two-time state champion this spring with a vault of 17 feet 4 inches, which was good for a new IHSA record. With all of his success, it may not come as much of a surprise that he comes from a pole vaulting family.
“My dad did it in high school, my brother picked it up in high school too and then I went to some practices and figured I might as well try it out,” said Bradford.
As you might expect, the Bradford’s enjoy pole vaulting year round, not just during the school season. In tandem with the Flying Dragons Pole Vault Club, the Bloomington Pole Vault Crew (headed by the Bradfords) held the last of their Friday Night Vault Series events last week.
“With people coming out those first two years having so much fun, it spread out to a larger area and more people decided to come and have fun vaulting on Friday night,” Bradford said.
This year is the fifth year they’ve held their annual Friday Night Vault Series events. Although pole vaulting is competitive, the Friday Night Vault Series in particular is meant more for fun and for all ages to come participate.
“It’s a sanctioned competition but it’s more fun with ages ranging from six to sixty,” Bradford said. “It’s just a fun meet for everyone to vault.”
The Friday Night Vault Series takes place at Bloomington High School and had three different events in total this summer. Vaulters who would like to participate in the future can contact Bloomington Pole Vault Crew’s Facebook page.
Bradford, an incoming senior at BHS, hasn’t declared where he will be going to college next year.
Zach Zook can be reached at [email protected].